Author: Jill
Our lies have eyes inside our minds. They can see what we cannot and hear what we cannot. They blind us to the truth and steer our minds to destruction. We believe these delusions protect us, but they never do. These lies tell us so many things. Clouding our judgement and understanding. They allow our…
A Conundrum of Duality
Navigating this life with a mind full of duality. My thoughts pull and tear at one another. Arguing within and confusing one another with opposing desires. Searching for peace and finding only thoughts that don’t match up. Hating this life that I love so much and loving this life that I can’t take one more…
Push You Away
I push you away. I fear so much. I am consumed by it. It suffocates me. I can hardly breathe, as if I’m in a room filled with the thickest of smoke. It’s now entered my lungs, and my chest begins to cave in desperately grasping for oxygen as my mind desperately grasps for security.…
Not This Place
I’m not staying in this place. No longer chained to this room. I’m walking out the door. The world before me open to explore. Now that I have found me, I can’t stay away long. Glimpses of the past sink in but only for a moment, maybe a day. Okay, sometimes it may be longer…
I sit here in a room. The walls are closing in. So slowly it’s hard to even see it, but I can feel it. The oxygen is getting thin and my chest is beginning to cave in. The only way to keep these walls from caving in is to walk out of this room alone.…
A Girl In Flames
I open my eyes. It’s so bright it hurts to look around. Wait, no, it’s not the light. It’s the heat! So hot it dries my eyes instantly and I must close them once again. Blinking I can see my surroundings just slightly. So many others are in this place with me. They are all…
I feel your touch upon me But where are you? Your smell is in the air You are nowhere to be found Your breath I swear I feel it linger It’s been so long since you have been near How can a touch last a thousand moments, and a moment last a lifetime? How can…