Our lies have eyes inside our minds. They can see what we cannot and hear what we cannot. They blind us to the truth and steer our minds to destruction.
We believe these delusions protect us, but they never do. These lies tell us so many things. Clouding our judgement and understanding. They allow our minds to melt beneath the mud where we cannot see while they stay above in the fresh clean air and see and distort it all.
The lies keep us locked in rooms with open doors and chains that have been cut free long ago.
We sit beneath, in the muck thinking we are free and choosing all the while with no eyes listening to lies that see for us.
How many lies are within? How many do we live by, and we donโt even know. We sit and search and read and seek all from a place with eyes shut tight and ears blocked by the muck. So many hours and days and months and years seeking something real just to discover we couldnโt even see.
I dare you to swim through the muck. To feel your muscles grow strong as they rip and tear through it lifting you up to the surface you didnโt know was there.
The brightness of the sun will blind you and the feel of the air on your skin will bring a sensation so overwhelming you will seek to be buried once again. I dare you to stay. Allow it to overwhelm you. Cry for all the lost time. Let yourself feel the shame of the lies you believed inside your own head for so long.
Then wash yourself off and open your eyes. Let the water run over your ears as it melts away the muck. The sounds too loud and smells too potent for you to stand, but I dare you to stay and stand it all!
Donโt run from any of it. Let it be and day by day allow your eyes to open just a little bit more. Allowing your senses to integrate into the truth. And as your eyes open the eyes of the lies within your mind begin to close.
Oh the lies, how they hate you. They donโt want to lose hold. They fight back in the ugliest of ways. Creating new stories and reasons why we should stay within that muck. Telling us how easy it is to just let our feet sink once again down and down and down. Reminding us of all the ease we felt when we lived there.
So tired. It would be easier to give in. But that is just another lie. Come out and take a breath and hear the sounds and open your eyes!
One by one reject the lies.
And never look back.